Scale Up

After a hosted cluster is created, you can scale up the clusters in different ways:

  • You can scale an existing node pool or enable node auto-scaling for the hosted cluster.

  • You can create nodes pools with new values (cores, memory)

Scaling Up a nodepool

Scaling a nodepool is really simple. The only step is to modify the number of replicas of the nodepool. The nodepool by default has the name of the cluster.

  1. List existing nodepools

    oc -n clusters get nodepool
    Sample Output
    cluster1   cluster1   2               2               False         False        4.14.5
  2. Scale up nodepool cluster to three replicas

    oc -n clusters scale nodepool cluster1 --replicas=3
    Sample Output scaled
  3. List the VMs on clusters-cluster1 namespace

    oc get vm -n clusters-cluster1
    Sample Output
    NAME                      AGE   STATUS         READY
    cluster1-ee50e7fb-ctrdd   83m   Running        True
    cluster1-ee50e7fb-dc59k   83m   Running        True
    cluster1-ee50e7fb-lmn5r   37s   Provisioning   False
  4. After a few minutes, the node will be visible on the guest cluster

    oc get node --kubeconfig=cluster1-kubeconfig
    Sample Output
    NAME                      STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
    cluster1-ee50e7fb-ctrdd   Ready    worker   71m   v1.27.6+d548052
    cluster1-ee50e7fb-dc59k   Ready    worker   71m   v1.27.6+d548052
    cluster1-ee50e7fb-lmn5r   Ready    worker   10m   v1.27.6+d548052
    In a nodepool all the VMs have the same cores and memory assigned.

Scaling Down a nodepool

It is possible as well to scale down a cluster changing the number of the replicas.

  1. Scale down nodepool cluster1 to two replicas

    oc -n clusters scale nodepool cluster1 --replicas=2
    Sample Output scaled
  2. List the VMs on clusters-cluster1 namespace (repeat the command until status is Terminating)

    oc get vm -n clusters-cluster1
    Sample Output
    NAME                      AGE    STATUS        READY
    cluster1-ee50e7fb-ctrdd   100m   Terminating   False
    cluster1-ee50e7fb-dc59k   100m   Running       True
    cluster1-ee50e7fb-lmn5r   17m    Running       True
  3. The node chosen node to be removed will disappear from the list

    oc get node --kubeconfig=cluster1-kubeconfig
    Sample Output
    NAME                      STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
    cluster1-ee50e7fb-dc59k   Ready    worker   76m   v1.27.6+d548052
    cluster1-ee50e7fb-lmn5r   Ready    worker   15m   v1.27.6+d548052

Configure Autoscale

When you need more capacity dynamically in your hosted cluster, you can enable auto-scaling to install new worker nodes automatically.

To enable auto-scaling you need to add the parameter autoScaling and the values max and min. It is also required to remove the replicas parameter. In the following example auto-scaling is set to a min of 2 and a max of 5.

  1. The node chosen to be removed will disappear from the list

    oc -n clusters patch nodepool cluster1 --type=json -p '[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/replicas"},{"op":"add", "path": "/spec/autoScaling", "value": { "max": 5, "min": 2 }}]'
    Sample Output patched

As the load for the guest cluster doesn’t require more workers, it will keep the two workers.

  1. Create a Deployment definition to add load to the guest cluster

    cat >workload-config.yaml <<EOF
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      creationTimestamp: null
        app: reversewords
      name: reversewords
      namespace: default
      replicas: 6
          app: reversewords
      strategy: {}
          creationTimestamp: null
            app: reversewords
            - image:
              name: reversewords
                  memory: 1Gi
  2. Apply the YAML definition on the guest cluster

    oc apply -f workload-config.yaml --kubeconfig=cluster1-kubeconfig
  3. Check the Deployment status inside of the guest cluster

    oc get Deployment --kubeconfig=cluster1-kubeconfig
    Sample Output
    reversewords   0/6     6            0           43s
  4. List the pods

    oc get pod --kubeconfig=cluster1-kubeconfig
    Sample Output
    NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    reversewords-7c674f6697-5dgsx   0/1     Pending   0          49s
    reversewords-7c674f6697-6kcxx   0/1     Pending   0          49s
    reversewords-7c674f6697-7r2x2   0/1     Pending   0          49s
    reversewords-7c674f6697-7zcwt   0/1     Pending   0          49s
    reversewords-7c674f6697-bxxpn   0/1     Pending   0          49s
    reversewords-7c674f6697-cb8sx   0/1     Pending   0          49s
  5. Get the details of one of the pending pods (make sure to replace reversewords-7c674f6697-5dgsx with the name of one of your pods)

    oc describe pod reversewords-7c674f6697-5dgsx --kubeconfig=cluster1-kubeconfig
    Sample Output
      Type     Reason             Age   From                Message
      ----     ------             ----  ----                -------
      Warning  FailedScheduling   70s   default-scheduler   0/2 nodes are available: 2 Insufficient memory. preemption: 0/2 nodes are available: 2 No preemption victims found for incoming pod..
      Normal   TriggeredScaleUp   57s   cluster-autoscaler  pod triggered scale-up: [{MachineDeployment/clusters-cluster1/cluster1 2->5 (max: 5)}]
      Normal   NotTriggerScaleUp  46s   cluster-autoscaler  pod didn't trigger scale-up: 1 max node group size reached
    The cluster trigers the autoscale up
  6. List the current VMs on the the main cluster. Repeat until the VMs are in Running status

    oc get vm -n clusters-cluster1
    Sample Output
    NAME                      AGE    STATUS    READY
    cluster1-ee50e7fb-bqbrk   5m8s   Running   True
    cluster1-ee50e7fb-dc59k   137m   Running   True
    cluster1-ee50e7fb-ddd7h   5m8s   Running   True
    cluster1-ee50e7fb-lmn5r   54m    Running   True
    cluster1-ee50e7fb-v2rf9   5m8s   Running   True
  7. Wait a few minutes and ensure the new nodes are Ready and the pods running

    oc get node,pod --kubeconfig=cluster1-kubeconfig
    Sample Output
    NAME                           STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
    node/cluster1-7967429f-7r7r2   Ready    worker   51m     v1.27.6+d548052
    node/cluster1-7967429f-gxcks   Ready    worker   4m6s    v1.27.6+d548052
    node/cluster1-7967429f-gxj2n   Ready    worker   4m4s    v1.27.6+d548052
    node/cluster1-7967429f-k884d   Ready    worker   4m10s   v1.27.6+d548052
    node/cluster1-7967429f-zqppg   Ready    worker   78m     v1.27.6+d548052
    NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/reversewords-869fc9596b-2nhs9   1/1     Running   0          7m48s
    pod/reversewords-869fc9596b-44lwv   1/1     Running   0          7m48s
    pod/reversewords-869fc9596b-lw4xw   1/1     Running   0          7m48s
    pod/reversewords-869fc9596b-mb2rb   1/1     Running   0          7m48s
    pod/reversewords-869fc9596b-ndstt   1/1     Running   0          7m48s
    pod/reversewords-869fc9596b-q2zpq   1/1     Running   0          7m48s
  8. Delete the deployment

    oc delete Deployment reversewords --kubeconfig=cluster1-kubeconfig
    Deleting the Deployment and waiting around 10min, it will trigger the scale down and the VMs are going to be deleted automatically. You don’t need to wait as autoScaling is disabled in next step.
  9. For the next exercise, disable the autoScaling

    oc -n clusters patch nodepool cluster1 --type=json -p '[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/autoScaling"},{"op":"add", "path": "/spec/replicas", "value": 2}]'
  10. After a few minutes the VMs will be reduced to two

    watch oc get vm -n clusters-cluster1

Creating a New nodepool

It is possible to create a new nodepool with nodes with different resources as the default one created.

  1. Create a nodepool with the command hcp called cluster1-pool2

    hcp create nodepool kubevirt \
    --cluster-name cluster1 \
    --name cluster1-pool2 \
    --node-count 2 \
    --memory 8Gi \
    --cores 4 \
    --root-volume-size 20
    Sample Output
    NodePool cluster1-pool2 created
  2. List the nodepools available

    oc get nodepool -n clusters
    Sample Output
    cluster1         cluster1   2               2               False         False        4.14.5
    cluster1-pool2   cluster1   2                               False         False                  True              True             Minimum availability requires 2 replicas, current 0 available
  3. List the VMs created on the UI or using the CLI.

    watch oc get vm -n clusters-cluster1
    Sample Output
    NAMESPACE           NAME                            AGE    STATUS        READY
    clusters-cluster1   cluster1-7967429f-7r7r2         141m   Running       True
    clusters-cluster1   cluster1-7967429f-gxcks         94m    Running       True
    clusters-cluster1   cluster1-pool2-3620075a-24z88   7m3s   Running       True
    clusters-cluster1   cluster1-pool2-3620075a-rlzpk   7m3s   Running       True