Module 3: Enhancing Networking with OpenShift Service Mesh (OSSM)
(REMOVE) Prerequisites - Technical Steps
Deploy OpenShift Service Mesh
Install the OSSM operator
Configure an Istio control plane
Connect VMs to the Service Mesh WARNING this cannot be predone because it give a network issue where VM pods cannot connect to each other due to sidecar. HOW WILL WE TRIGGER THIS SO THEY DON’T HAVE TO DO ALL VMS?
(REMOVE) Hands-On - Technical Steps
Task 1: Explore what the OpenShift Service Mesh world is and what it offers
Go to istio-system and have a look at the SMCP
The SM Components wha are they, what do they offer, how do I find them?
Login to Kiali and watch nothing
Login to Jaeger and watch nothing
Task 1:
Task 2: Enable your VM to be part of the mesh and connect to cloud native components
Add the 3 namespaces to the Mesh - SMMR (NOTE: maybe this script updates all other VMs/containers with the sidecar annotation and restarts them)
Add the VM to a service mesh project
Add the applications to the Mesh - istio injection
Restart the apps -
Validate everything in the observability stack
Kiali - mtls, graph, traffic distribution,
Tracing console
Istio metrics captured in OCP observability stack
Bonus Point: Why is the travel-dashboard not accessible? Maybe as fun point we get 10 t-shirts and in each module we get them to think and first 10 ppl that answer the questions correctly get the t-shirts. Can we get budget or from OCP Virt / Mesh BUs to provide the t-shirts?