The Workshop Environment You Are Using

Your environment has already been set up and with the tools you need to work with ROSA and AWS.

Your workshop environment consists of several components which have been pre-configured and are ready to use. This includes an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account, and many other supporting resources.

ROSA is enabled on the AWS account used for this lab - and the ROSA CLI as well as AWS CLI tools are installed and configured on your bastion VM.

Validate installed tools

You will be using the rosa, aws and oc command line tools throughout this lab.

  1. Verify that the rosa command line tool is installed (note that your version may be a more recent version than the output shown below):

    rosa version
    Sample Output
    Your ROSA CLI is up to date.
  2. Verify that the aws command line tool is installed:

    aws --version
    Sample Output
    aws-cli/2.15.39 Python/3.11.8 Linux/5.14.0-362.18.1.el9_3.x86_64 exe/x86_64.rhel.9 prompt/off
  3. Verify that the aws command line tool is configured correctly:

    aws sts get-caller-identity
    Sample Output
        "UserId": "AIDA52VPS74UJLY4GUW7L",
        "Account": "950629760808",
        "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::950629760808:user/"
  4. Verify that the oc CLI is installed correctly

    rosa verify openshift-client
    Sample Output
    I: Verifying whether OpenShift command-line tool is available...
    I: Current OpenShift Client Version: 4.15.9
  5. Rosa login

    rosa login
    Sample Output
    I: Logged in as 'rhpds-cloud' on ''

    Normally you would need to get a token from the Red Hat Console and log into ROSA using that token.

    In this environment your token has been preconfigured for you.

  6. Run rosa whoami to verify your credentials:

    rosa whoami
    Sample Output
    AWS ARN:                      arn:aws:iam::950629760808:user/
    AWS Account ID:               950629760808
    AWS Default Region:           us-east-2
    OCM API:            
    OCM Account Email:  
    OCM Account ID:               1z8a-------------------HD9l
    OCM Account Name:             RHPDS Cloud
    OCM Account Username:         rhpds-cloud
    OCM Organization External ID: 1234567890
    OCM Organization ID:          1z8-------------------0ZL
    OCM Organization Name:        Red Hat, Inc.

Review quota

  1. You must ensure your AWS account has enough resources available to run ROSA. Use the following command to review available AWS quota:

    rosa verify quota
    Sample Output
    I: Validating AWS quota...
    I: AWS quota ok. If cluster installation fails, validate actual AWS resource usage against

    See the documentation for more details regarding quotas.

You have now successfully reviewed your account and environment and are ready to work with ROSA and AWS.