Capture the Flag
Module goals
A CTF challenge: Web hacking a running container on OpenShift
There are three flags found during the journey.
The CTF challenge
This vulnerable web application is intentionally designed with minimal interaction but contains flaws that can be exploited through SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. There are three hidden flags to discover.
Have fun exploring!
Getting access
Start by networking the running container so that you can access it. the following commands deployes our vulnerable container to EKS and creates a LoadBalancer service to make it publically accessable.
oc config use-context eks-admin
export TUTORIAL_HOME="$(pwd)/demo-apps"
oc apply -f $TUTORIAL_HOME/kubernetes-manifests/ctf-web-to-system/ctf-w2s.yml
Switched to context "eks-admin".
service/ctf-web-to-system-service unchanged
deployment.apps/ctf-web-to-system configured
oc get svc ctf-web-to-system-service -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}'
Use the link to access the vulnerable container |